Matt Carriker is an American Veterinarian and YouTuber who boasts a net worth of $3 million. Matt Carriker is mainly known as Dr. Matt Carriker. He is mostly popular for his amazing YouTube videos. Well, Matt Carriker owns three popular YouTube channels.
Matt Carriker joined YouTube in the year 2011. All of the channels he owns have substantial numbers of subscribers and views. Here we are going to mention his salary, net worth, age, height, weight, and many more.
How much money does Matt Carriker make per year?
Matt Carriker makes a whopping $.8 million yearly from YouTube and Professional Vet services.
How much is Demolition Ranch worth?
Demolition Ranch is a Gun related popular YouTube channel with an estimated net worth of $2 million. The channel is owned by Matt Carriker.
How much is Vet Ranch worth?
Vet Ranch is a YouTube channel where veterinarians share amazing stories, that generate $100k yearly from ads. The Channel has 2.93 million subscribers with millions of views.
How much is Off The Ranch worth?
Off The Ranch is a lifestyle and vlogging YouTube channel that has an estimated net worth of $10 million. Owned by Matt Carriker that generates $1.6 million yearly from YouTube ad revenue and sponsor.

How is Matt Carriker so rich?
Matt Carriker owns three YouTube channels: DemolitionRanch, Vet Ranch, and OffTheRanch. Let’s have a brief discussion on his earning sources. Basically, he makes money from the following sources:
- DemolitionRanch.
- Vet Ranch.
- OffTheRanch.
Earning from Demolition Ranch
DemolitionRanch has 9.85M subscribers as of today, April 18, 2021. And it will cross 10 million within a very short time. Now the channel has nearly 2 billion views. Well, here are some of the most viewed videos of DemolitionRanch below.
Titles of the Videos | Number of Views & Estimated Earnings |
How Deep into Dirt Will It Go? | 23 million | $23,000 |
Is Titanium Bulletproof? | 21 million | $21,000 |
I Shot My Truck with a Tank… | 18 million | $18,000 |
How Tough is a Hi-Point? (CHEAPEST PISTOL) | 17 million | $17,000 |
The Quietest Sniper Rifle Ever… and Why The Government Doesn’t Regulate It… | 17 million | $17,000 |
Forcing Hickok to review Guns he’s uncomfortable with… | 17 million | $17,000 |
Giant Man with World’s Biggest Sword vs Car | 16 million |$16,000 |
How Strong is a Solid Block of LEAD? | 15 million | $15,000 |
Shooting With One of the Deadliest Spec Ops Snipers | 13 million | $13,000 |
LEGOS… Are They BULLET PROOF?!?! | 12 million | $12,000 |
My New and Improved EDC (Every Day Carry | 11 million | $11,000 |
Firing a Gun with a REALLY Bent Barrel… Bad Idea?!?! | 11 million | $11,000 |
The Toughest Gun Safe with Furious Pete | 11 million | $11,000 |
Bullet Proof MASK!!! | 10 million | $10,000 |
TANK vs GUN SAFES!!! | 10 million | $10,000 |
“PNEU” 50cal | 10 million | $10,000 |
The Raging Hornet is Giant! | 10 million | $10,000 |
Looks Like a Phone… BUT IT’S DEFINITELY NOT A PHONE!!! Cellphone Gun | 9.9 million | $9900 |
Earning from Vet Ranch
Titles of Videos | Number of Views |
Now That’s a LOT of Puppies!!! | $11.9 million | $11900 |
Pit Bull with Nasty Throat Wound, *GRAPHIC* | 7.5 million | $7500 |
Pregnant Horse Rescued from Auction and Slaughter | 6.6 million | $6600 |
Sad Homeless Puppy Transformed! | 6.6 million | $6600 |
Porcupine Quills for 2 Brothers | 6.1 million | $6100 |
Paralyzed Kitten Finally Walks!!! | 5.6 million | $5600 |
He Was Nearly Dead | 5.3 million | $5300 |
Neglected Shih Tzu Puppy | 5.2 million | $5200 |
Orphaned Baby Squirrels Rescued | 4.7 million | $4700 |
Yep….It’s Broken… | 4.6 million | $4600 |
1 Week Old Kittens Rescued | 3.2 million | $3200 |
Car Hit Him and Didn’t Even Stop | 3.2 million | $3200 |
Earning from Off The Ranch
OffTheRanch has more than 4 million subscribers with over 73 million views. Well, here are some of the popular videos of “OffTheRanch”
Titles of Videos | Number of Views |
So… I Bought an Abandoned Mansion… | 8 million | $8000 |
Rest In Peace Little Brother | 5.3 million | $5300 |
A video we never expected to have to make… | 5.2 million | $5200 |
Renovating An Abandoned Mansion Part 1 | 4.5 million | $4500 |
Renovating an Abandoned Mansion Part 2 | 2.4 million | $2400 |
Renovating an Abandoned Mansion Part 3 | 2.7 million | $2700 |
Renovating an Abandoned Mansion Part 4 | 2.6 million | $2600 |
Abandoned Mansion: The Final Episode | 2 million | $2000 |
Dropping Giant Sword from Crane onto Car!!! | 3.1 million | $3100 |
I Bought a 10 Foot Tall, 18,000lb Truck… and it’s INSANE! | 2.5 million | $2500 |
Renovating an Abandoned Mansion Part 14 | 2.4 million | $2400 |
Renovating an Abandoned Mansion Part 8 | 2.8 million | $2800 |
Apart from that, he makes money through several sponsored content.
Matt Carriker: Overview
Real Name: | Dr. Matt Carriker |
Celebrated Name: | Matt Carriker |
Born: | October 23, 1986 |
Birth Place: | Boerne, Texas, United States |
Birth Sign: | Scorpio |
Height: | 2.05 m |
Weight: | 96 kg |
Nationality: | American |
Marital Status: | Married |
Spouse: | Meredith Carriker (married in 2004) |
Girlfriend: | N/A |
Children: | Yes |
Profession: | Veterinarian and YouTuber |
Net Worth: | $3 million |
Early Life & Personal Life
Маtt Саrrіkеr wаѕ born on Осtоbеr 21, 1986 іn the United States. Нe is the son of Dr Lее, who wаѕ а renowned vеtеrіnаrу dосtоr.
Маtt grеw uр іn hіѕ hоmеtоwn Воеrnе where he was born. Іn the year 2004, he completed his high school education frоm a Ніgh Ѕсhооl in Воеrnе. Тhеn in 2008, hе completed his graduation from a Vеtеrіnаrу College in Texas.
Matt Carriker got married to Carriker in 2004. The couple has three children together: Annie Carriker, Adalyn Carriker, and Lincoln Carriker.
Matt Carriker started off his career as a licensed veterinary doctor. However, he is mostly a YouTuber. Matt first joined YouTube on April 16, 2007. His first channel,
OffTheRanch has more than 4 million subscribers as well as 73 million views.
Matt Carriker’s second channel, DemolitionRanch has nearly 10 million subscribers with over 1.7 billion views. In addition to that, he owns another channel named Vet Ranch, which has nearly 3 million subscribers as well as 41 million views.
Well, he makes around $800 k per year.
As Matt Carriker owns a net worth of $3 million, he is a millionaire.
- https://www.imdb.com/name/nm7639778/ – Matt Carriker- IMDb
- https://www.gomuskox.com/pages/matt-carriker – Matt Carriker on GoMuskOx
- https://soundcloud.com/matt-carriker – Matt Carriker SoundCloud