Alison Ann Sweeney is a renowned American actress, author, director, as well as reality show host. Sweeney is best known...
Danica McKellar is an American actress, mathematician, and writer who is best known for portraying Winnie Cooper and Susan Malcolm...
Jean-Claude Van Damme, shortly named JCVD, is a Belgian actor, filmmaker, former martial artist, and fight choreographer. Jean-Claude Van Damme...
Aaron Phypers is an American actor who is mainly known as the husband of popular actress, Denise Richards. Basically, he...
Tara Strong is a Canadian-American voice actor who is considered one of the best super heroines and characters of modern...
Jon Voight is an Academy Award and prestigious National Medal of Arts winning American actor. He is best known for...
Katharine McPhee is an American actress and singer who became a household name after being the runner-up on the American...
Esra Bilgic is a Turkish Muslim actress and model who is best known as Halima Hatun. In Turkish, the word...
Ozge Torer, best known as Bala Hatun, is a young Turkish actress who was born in Istanbul, Turkey. The name...
Jaime Elizabeth Pressly is an American model as well as an actress who was born on July 30, 1977. She...
Nurettin Sonmez is a Turkish actor, model, as well as a martial arts teacher. He is best known as Bamsi...
Kathryn Bridget Moynahan is a popular American model as well as an actress who was born on April 28, 1971....
Burak Ozcivit, widely known as Osman Bey, is a Turkish actor and model who has a net worth of $5...
William Fichtner is an American actor who was born on November 27, 1956. Fichtner is a popular figure for his...
Grant Gustin is an American actor as well as a singer who has a net worth of $6 million. He...
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