Currently, Kevin Miles, aka Jake from State Farm has been making an estimated salary between $200,000 and $550,000 every year by acting as Jake.
Keep on reading to know more about Jake, including his monthly income, earnings from commercials, and many more.

How Much Jake Make for Each State Farm Commercial?
Jake from State Farm makes quite a good amount of money through the program. And he is not currently working in the program. So, people often wonder how much Jake from State Farm makes for each commercial.
Many of the magazines think that the original Jake does not get any paycheck for the commercials. However, the current Jake could earn around $10,000 for each commercial of State Farm.
Kevin Miles is currently acting as Jake. It is safe to assume that the new Jake makes a good amount of fortune for a commercial. Besides, he works as an agent for an insurance company.
On the other hand, the new Jake is currently making far more than a per-hour fee by working in a commercial. Even the State Farm has taken over his social life. The program is promoting its commercial through Jake’s new social account frequently.
How Much Jake from State Farm Make a Month?
Kevin Miles, aka the new Jake, is working not only as an agent of an insurance company but also as an actor in State Farm. He manages to make a huge amount of money here.
The original Jake was not taking money from State Farm. But the new Jake does. Let’s see how much he earns in a month.
The new Jake earns more than $30,000 every month on average. By giving him an enormous paycheck, the SNL has taken over his entire personal internet and social media accounts and started promoting their program.
Does Jake from State Farm Work at State Farm?
Jake’s real name is Kevin Miles. However, the original Jake was Jake Stone. Kevin Miles works as an agent for an insurance company.
On the other hand, Kevin Miles is an investor in State Farm. Also, he is not only a professional actor but also a professional businessman. However, the original Jake, Jake Stone, is an employee of State Farm. He did not earn any payment for hosting the show though.
Why is Jake from State Farm Different Now?
The character Jake was primarily portrayed by Jake Stone, who was a real farm agent. But SNL needs a high-skilled actor for the show. That is why they replaced Jake Stone with another professional actor, Kevil Miles.
Jake Stone was widely recognized for his signature called Uh…Khakis. But he was fired because he needed a professional actor. This is the reason the State Farm show is different now.
Who was the First Jake from State Farm?
The original Jake from State Farm was an official employee of State Farm named Jake Stone, who also worked as an agent of an insurance company. In 2011, he started working as an agent in Bloomington, Illinois, United States of America.
Stone is widely recognized for using two words, Uh! Khakis. He did know a little about it that these words he said have been memes since then. However, for needing a professional actor in State Farm, the program authority replaced Jake Stone with another actor.
Jake Stone was not a paid actor. The current actor gets paid for his job. But the original Jake did not get any penny from the program. However, he used to make money through the insurance farm as an agent and worked as an official employee of State Farm. He was not an actor.
There was a nasty rumor spread around the states that Stone was murdered by his wife. However, in his social media accounts, he broke the rumor and said that he is alive and well-fitted. No one knows how the rumors spread.
How Did Jake from State Farm Get Famous?
In State Farm’s ad commercial, the original Jake named Jake Stone acted internally. Due to different circumstances, the ad went viral. Besides this recognition, he made a huge fame in the United States of America.
After a while, he left the job as an official employee of State Farm and started working as a bartender. He has chosen a normal and comfortable life for himself.